Point Of Grace

An online journal of a newlywed on the journey of marriage -- going through the different tides, the highs and the lows, the various points in life with the flaming desire to reach a point of grace. And with pun intended, this journal is my little space where I intend to share my thoughts and day to day experiences my point of view, the point of Grace.

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Location: Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, United States

Born and raised in Manila, Philippines but have been joyfully living in Mount Joy, PA, USA for several years now. Got married last February 2005 to a wonderful guy. Lovin' being Mrs. GGG!

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Monday, July 04, 2005

Oh, Canada!

Patrick and I spent the long weekend in Canada. We planned to leave early on Friday, July 1st but Patrick had to take care of his client so we couldnt leave till it was past 11am. We got into a major traffic jam and later found out that we were rerouting done because a truck with a huge trailer got into an accident. So we were literally moving inch by inch for 45 minutes. We didnt get to Canada until around 6pm and the city where we were heading was an hour or so away from the border. We finally got checked in our hotel room a little bit after 8pm and we rested a bit. We had dinner with our friends, Chiqui and Myla and they prepared a nice meal for us. The visit lasted till the wee hours of the morning, I think we left their place around 2AM.
Saturday was just a day of hanging out with friends and visiting the stores and malls of the area within Missaussauga, Canada. We had cake and a nice steak dinner at Tony Roma's. The cake was our surprise gift to Chixyduds, our friend, who had his first "Canadian" birthday. Happy Birthday, Chix!

Sunday was mainly our day to shop and explore the malls of the area, compare prices etc. I was told that MAC make up is cheaper in Canada than in the US because MAC is made in Canada. So we went there and I calculating and converting the exchange rate (between US $ and Canadian $) for the items that I liked. It turns out there isnt a big difference because of the high sales tax in Canada compared to the 8% sales tax of PA. But I still got a couple of lipsticks since I was there already anyway.

Monday morning, we packed our bags, got ready to leave, bought a box of freshly baked Krispy Kreme to go and drove back to the US. The lines at the US border were long,so we had to wait for our turn to be inspected and interrogated before we enter the US soil. We got home around 7:20pm. It was a long tiring drive but we made good time. We thought we wouldnt be home till 9pm.
Happy Birthday to my dear friends, Sandra and Laura; both born on the fourth of July!

| Gracie G. posted at 11:28 PM | |


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