An online journal of a newlywed on the journey of marriage -- going through the different tides, the highs and the lows, the various points in life with the flaming desire to reach a point of grace. And with pun intended, this journal is my little space where I intend to share my thoughts and day to day experiences my point of view, the point of Grace.

- Name: Gracie G.
- Location: Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, United States
Born and raised in Manila, Philippines but have been joyfully living in Mount Joy, PA, USA for several years now. Got married last February 2005 to a wonderful guy. Lovin' being Mrs. GGG!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I got the tickets to the Broadway play Wicked in the mail today! We ordered the tickets for the October 12th matinee of the play. It will be at the Gershwin Theater in New York City. Patrick and I will be spending the day there with our godparents at the wedding -- Chita and Titin. Not only are they our godparents at the wedding, they are also good friends. They will be visiting New York next month so Patrick and I are meeting up with them and watching Wicked in Broadway and perhaps sample some of the new restaurants in New York! Can't wait! :-)

| Gracie G. posted at 2:31 PM |
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