Point Of Grace

An online journal of a newlywed on the journey of marriage -- going through the different tides, the highs and the lows, the various points in life with the flaming desire to reach a point of grace. And with pun intended, this journal is my little space where I intend to share my thoughts and day to day experiences my point of view, the point of Grace.

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Location: Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, United States

Born and raised in Manila, Philippines but have been joyfully living in Mount Joy, PA, USA for several years now. Got married last February 2005 to a wonderful guy. Lovin' being Mrs. GGG!

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Monday, July 10, 2006

Come "hale" or high water

We've been experiencing really crazy weather lately. We usually have really excruciatingly warm days and then get rain and then more rain making everything more humid but not cooler. The past couple of weeks, Pennsylvania had a lot of rain, flooding and thunderstorms. For the past 2 weekends, people would be cleaning their yards and porch from all the leaves and the branches of trees that were either hit by lighting or affected by strong winds and heavy rain.

Yesterday, we had lots of heavy rains again but there was a bit of hale with it, tiny ice pellets that melted easily when it hit the ground. But around 11 pm last night, just as Patrick and I were having our Sunday night quiet time (tv is off and planning the week ahead), I heard a lot of noise from upstairs. It seemed like something is hitting our windows or our windows were about to be broken. I checked and the windows were fine. I came down and opened the front door to check how strong the storm is. We had heavy rains and hale. It was alternately falling from the sky. I turned on the light in the front porch to see ice cubes all over.

Here's a handful of "hale" that we got last night.

Our front door mat...

Front porch - mulch with hale (they look like crystals or diamonds in the dark)

I was hoping the hale would help cool things down a bit but after 5 to 10 minutes, the hale melted already and we were back inside with the airconditioner on (we had turned it off because of the fluctuating electricity and the power interruption earlier).

Looking forward to a cooler and better week.

| Gracie G. posted at 11:43 AM | |


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