Monday, April 04, 2005
Reception, the reprise
The US Reception was a success! We had a good turnout. I think, well, I know that we prepared so much food because we have a lot of leftover food from the party. Because there was a major thunderstorm and some areas were flooded and roads and bridges filled with water, there were some guests who werent able to attend. Our menu was not strictly Filipino but its mainly Asian cuisine. The reception was held at 3pm. So it wasnt really lunch or dinner. We served some crab and corn soup, pork adobo, lemon chicken, steamed rice and pancit. We decided it to be more like "merienda" so the atmosphere was more relaxed. We ordered a one layer cake and decorated it with Precious Moments bridal collection characters. We also got the chance to show the onsite wedding video and AVP that Jason Magbanua made for our wedding in Manila as well as the tribute AVP we had for my dad. We also showed some of the photos taken at the wedding to show the US reception guests what transpired in Manila. Most of the guests were Patrick's aunt and uncles since his parents came from big families. I was feeling a little apprehensive about the food since I cooked them but I was so relieved when the guests complimented the food. Patrick and I were so exhausted after the party but we felt good that we had celebrated with family and friends in the US and that somehow, they were able to witness the wonderful wedding we had even through photos and video.