Friday, September 29, 2006
Stuffed Toy Commander Patrick G.
I was going through my old emails and found some of the emails that Patrick had sent me many years ago. He would send me stuffed toys and then he comes up with a pre-mission interview with the stuffed toys as if those little plushies are really being sent out on a real mission. Anyway, read the text of the pre-mission interview of Tuck, the Guard Turtle written and conducted by Stuffed Toy Commander Patrick Giagnocavo.

Note from Sam Duckson, Interviewer:
August 14th 1999

Note from Sam Duckson, Interviewer:
August 14th 1999
In our continuing series of profiles on
"courageous stuffed toys" we would like to
bring you today the story of Tuck,
the Guard Turtle.
Recently retired from a tour of duty at
a local Wal-Mart department store here in
Ephrata, PA, by Stuffed Toy Commander
Patrick Giagnocavo, this courageous but
rather slow-moving toy immediately requested
assignment for a "dangerous mission involving
international air travel, with an ultimate
destination in the mysterious,
uncharted suburbs of the city of Manila,
in the Philippines."
We were able to talk to Tuck for a few moments
before he prepared to "ship out".
Q. Tuck, why would you request re-assignment
immediately after your first tour of duty?
A. Well, I like to lead a life of adventure
and intrique - Wal-Mart just wasn't exciting
enough for me,and the fluorescent lights gave
me a headache by the end of the day.
Every night, under cover of darkness, I would try
to make it to the Pharmacy aisle so that I could
get some aspirin, however, I was never able to
move fast enough to avoid the night watchman
and was captured and returned to the toy aisle.
Q. What do you hope to accomplish in Paranaque?
A. I am unable to confirm or deny my ultimate
destination, Sam, you know that.
However, suffice it to say that there is a
very wonderful young lady who needs my protection
from a Lonely Heart when her boyfriend is not
around. I hope to be able to provide some comfort
by standing guard during the night for her.
Q. Isn't it true that Lonely Hearts are very
dangerous for young women?
A. Yes Sam, it certainly is.
With my soft velvety covering, my cute black eyes,
and the hint of a smile on my face, I hope to be
able to guard against the Terrible Lonelies -
they won't get past me, as long as the young lady
keeps me in view!
Certainly, a Lonely Heart is one of the most
dangerous weapons those Terrible Lonelies have
against young women.
Q. I notice that you have rather large,
soft, floppy flippers and a cute stubby tail
as well.
A. Of course! All the better to gently fit
in the hand of the sweet young lady, and keep
me from rolling around when she puts me down!
Q. Why were you chosen to lead the initial
foray into this dangerous, mysterious area?
A. Well, Sam, I am quite frankly a cute little
fellow, completely harmless looking.
This will help us going in - we'll seem to be
nothing more than a "toy" if you will -
not the beginnings of a powerful
"love and kindness force" to be deployed later
once our Fearless Leader, Stuffed Toy Commander
Patrick, gives the signal.
Q. Where in the young lady's room do you expect
to be deployed?
A. Exact tactical deployment will be determined
once we arrive at the site to be protected.
The Terrible Lonelies have no doubt carefully
examined the room already and staked out their
positions. We'll have to adjust to that fact once
we get "touch down".
Q. Tuck, thanks for your time,
and Godspeed to you on your important mission!
This is Sam Duckson, signing off -
tune in next week for more
"Profiles in Stuffed Toy Courage".