Saturday, October 28, 2006
Medical Journey Update
Fibromyalgia pain can mimic the pain that occurs with various types of arthritis. However, the significant swelling, destruction, and deformity of joints seen in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis does not occur with fibromyalgia syndrome alone. The soft-tissue pain of fibromyalgia is described as deep-aching, radiating, gnawing, shooting or burning, and ranges from mild to severe. Fibromyalgia sufferers tend to wake up with body aches and stiffness.
For some patients, pain improves during the day and increases again during the evening, though many patients with fibromyalgia have day-long, unrelenting pain. Pain can increase with activity, cold or damp weather, anxiety, and stress.
Anyway, as for now, I'm on some medications to help me with the pain, it hasn't really helped much yet but I have been taking the meds for only a few days now and doctor said that it might not start taking effect until after 2 to 3 weeks of taking the medication so I have to wait and see. I have to go through more blood tests so the doctor can really evaluate the degree of my fibromyalgia and how we can control it.
This is going to be another journey on its own as we figure out how to control the disease. Its not curable but there is hope when it comes to living life with it. I am just happy as it is that it is not something worse like lupus. I've been worried about that. So not having lupus is one positive thing that I would like to look at from where I stand right now. Its very exhausting and taxing just to go through all the doctor's visits, laboratory tests and the waiting, is just agonizing. Its tough because in the midst of all these, work, chores and obligations do not cease ... so I have to keep at it while going through the medical journey , some days, its really overwhelming, exhausting and draining.
I wish to thank those who have been patiently listening to my woes, checking on me, praying for me and with me and climbing on board my medical journey. We continue on, onward and forward, hoping to find relief, getting answers from doctors and looking forward to waking up to painless days.
Needless to say, Patrick has been my anchor of strength and though I get frustrated and grumpy at times, he has always been the optimist and source of comfort and good laughs amidst the turmoil. :)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
" Even if you put me inside a well, hold me captive there and just feed me dirty potatoes... I'd still love you." Of course he said this with this "pity me" look. Then we both broke into laughter! We were laughing so hard, tears were coming out of my eyes. Patrick has his way of making me laugh and feel silly when Im grumpy and tired. So after that very cute statement from Patrick and that much needed laugh, I was feeling better and a little less grumpy. :)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Nurse Boomer

Here is another pre-mission interview from the mind of Stuffed Toy Commander, Patrick G.
An Interview With Nurse Boomer, the Kangaroo...
August 21, 1999
This is Sam Duckson, coming to you
live from the underground bunker of
Stuffed Toy Commander Patrick
Giagnocavo, with the second in our
profiles of "courageous stuffed toys".
Tonight, we are talking with Nurse Boomer, the Kangaroo.
Nurse Boomer always has Joey, her son, with her in her pouch.
Nurse Boomer originally took care of the other toys in the box
at Wal-Mart, and once healing them all, she realized that there
was much more to do in the world, and many more she could
bring her wisdom, love and talent for healing hearts to.
Stuffed Toy Commander Patrick Giagnocavo recruited her,
and she is now about to be shipped to a secret location
somewhere near the dangerous suburbs of Manila, Philippines.
Q. Please tell us a little more about your duties and where you
are being posted.
A. Well, my duties are to heal those I am assigned to.
Sometimes this means bandages and aspirin, sometimes this
means hugs and kisses; sometimes, too, it means just listening
to my patient while sitting silently.
Q. We understand that you have been assigned to work with
Tuck the Guard Turtle - can you tell us a little more about that?
A. As you know Sam I can't discuss the particulars of any
assignment. I can state however that Tuck and I will be working
together. I am to be given charge of a beautiful young woman
who needs my care.
Q. How do you hope to effect healing in this particular case?
A. Well, the case history I have indicates 100 milliliters of the
heart strengthener "iluvyu" every hour, backed up by 4 kisses
every three hours, and one hug per hour.
That's a start, althoughI expect to add some cuteness, smiles,
and twinkly-eyeness later on. Our objective is nothing less than
a completely healed, radiant young woman, healthy, happy
and whole.
Q. You do face some dangers though don't you?
A. Yes, that IS why Tuck was sent first. I can't directly fight
the Terrible Lonelies - I can only strengthen the young woman's
immune system from some of their evil weapons, like the
"Cutting Words knife", and especially "Cold Hearted Gas" -
which is very dangerous, because it can poison the entire
atmosphere between two or more people!
Q. My goodness (interviewer blanches)! That sounds terrible!
A. It certainly is, Sam, and we're seeing a lot of it these days.
I wish I never have to treat another case. It just shrivels the
heart. Only the fact that I am especially trained for this task
allows me to face it.
Q. You have a tough job ahead of you Nurse Boomer.
God Speed on your assignment!
This is Sam Duckson, with a report from the front lines on the
war against the Terrible Lonelies.